Developed by Espen Sirnes

ID     Date     SecurityId     Symbol     Name     Open     High     Low     Last     lnDelta    


NameSymbolSecurityId   All: 
AKAKS BasketAKAKS2011099
AKSKVA BasketAKSKVA1251145
Egenkapitalbevis indeksOSEEX9035
NHYAR BasketNHYAR56560
OAX10 Energy_GIOAX10GI66013
OAX1010 Energy_GIOAX1010GI66010
OAX15 Materials_GIOAX15GI66034
OAX1510 Materials_GIOAX1510GI66031
OAX20 Industrials_GIOAX20GI66085
OAX2010 Capital Goods_GIOAX2010GI66058
OAX2030 Transportation_GIOAX2030GI66082
OAX25 Consumer Discretionary_GIOAX25GI66139
OAX2550 Retailing_GIOAX2550GI66136
OAX30 Consumer Staples_GIOAX30GI66169
OAX3020 Food Beverage & Tobacco_GIOAX3020GI66157
OAX3030 Household & Personal Products_GIOAX3030GI66166
OAX35 Health Care_GIOAX35GI66196
OAX3510 Health Care Equipm & Services_GIOAX3510GI66181
OAX40 Financials_GIOAX40GI66238
OAX4020 Diversified Financials_GIOAX4020GI66217
OAX4040 Real Estate_GIOAX4040GI66235
OAX45 Information Technology_GIOAX45GI66274
OAX4510 Software & Services_GIOAX4510GI66250
OAX4520 Technology Hardware & Equipm_GIOAX4520GI66265
OAX50 Communication Services_GIOAX50GI66286
OAX5010 Telecommunication Services_GIOAX5010GI66283
OAX5020 Media & Entertainment_GIOAX5020GI2117195
OAX55 Utilities_GIOAX55GI66307
OAX5510 Utilities_GIOAX5510GI66304
OAX60 Real Estate_GI OAX60GI2073989
OAX6010 Real Estate_GI OAX6010GI2073990
OBX International IndexOBXI1250046
OBX Price IndexOBXP61789
OBX Total Return IndexOBX9026
OBX Uncapped Total Return IndexOBXU76524
OBX utbyttejustertUOBX16483
OBX Volume-weighted IndexOBXW20502
OBX Volume-weigthed IndexOBXW20502
OSE10 Energy_GIOSE10GI701
OSE1010 Energy_GIOSE1010GI702
OSE101010 Energy Equipment & Service_GIOSE101010GI703
OSE101010 Energy Equipment & Services_GIOSE101010GI703
OSE15 Materials_GIOSE15GI705
OSE1510 Materials_GIOSE1510GI706
OSE20 Industrials_GIOSE20GI712
OSE2010 Capital Goods_GIOSE2010GI713
OSE2020 Commercial & Prof Services_GIOSE2020GI721
OSE2020 Commercial Service & Supply_GIOSE2020GI721
OSE2030 Transportation_GIOSE2030GI723
OSE203030 Marine_GIOSE203030GI726
OSE25 Consumer Discretionary_GIOSE25GI729
OSE2510 Automobiles & Components_GIOSE2510GI730
OSE2520 Consumer Durables & Apparel_GIOSE2520GI733
OSE2530 Consumer Services_GIOSE2530GI737
OSE2530 Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure_GIOSE2530GI737
OSE2540 Media_GIOSE2540GI739
OSE2550 Retailing_GIOSE2550GI741
OSE30 Consumer Staples_GIOSE30GI746
OSE3020 Food Beverage & Tobacco_GIOSE3020GI749
OSE3020 Food, Beverage & Tobacco_GIOSE3020GI749
OSE35 Health Care_GIOSE35GI756
OSE3510 Health Care Equipm & Service_GIOSE3510GI757
OSE3510 Health Care Equipm & Services_GIOSE3510GI757
OSE3520 Pharmaceuticals & Biotech_ GIOSE3520GI760
OSE40 Financials_GIOSE40GI763
OSE4010 Banks_GIOSE4010GI764
OSE4020 Diversified Financials_GIOSE4020GI766
OSE4030 Insurance_GIOSE4030GI768
OSE4040 Real Estate_GIOSE4040GI770
OSE45 Information Technology_GIOSE45GI772
OSE4510 Software & Services_GIOSE4510GI773
OSE4520 Technology Hardware & Equipm_GIOSE4520GI777
OSE4530 Semiconductors & Semic Equipm_GIOSE4530GI54246
OSE50 Communication Services_GIOSE50GI783
OSE50 Telecommunication Services_GIOSE50GI783
OSE5010 Telecommunication Services_GIOSE5010GI784
OSE5020 Media & Entertainment_GIOSE5020GI2117194
OSE55 Utilities_GIOSE55GI787
OSE5510 Utilities_GIOSE5510GI788
OSE60 Real Estate_GI OSE60GI2073974
OSE6010 Real Estate_GI OSE6010GI2073975
Oslo Axess All-share index_GIOAAX65387
Oslo Axess All-share Index_NROAAXNR65388
Oslo Axess All-share Index_PROAAXPR65389
Oslo Børs All-share Index_GIOSEAX700
Oslo Børs All-Share Index_NROSEAXNR600
Oslo Børs All-Share Index_PROSEAXPR500
Oslo Børs Benchmark Index_GIOSEBX798
Oslo Børs Benchmark Index_NROSEBXNR698
Oslo Børs Benchmark Index_PROSEBXPR598
Oslo Børs Equity Certificate IndexOSEEX9035
Oslo Børs Mid Cap IndexOSEMX2050019
Oslo Børs Mid Cap Index_GIOSEMX2050019
Oslo Børs Mid Cap Index_NROSEMXNR2050021
Oslo Børs Mid Cap Index_PROSEMXPR2050022
Oslo Børs Mutual Fund Index_GIOSEFX799
Oslo Børs Mutual Fund Index_NROSEFXNR699
Oslo Børs Mutual Fund Index_PROSEFXPR599
Oslo Børs OBX Oil Service IndexOBOSX1249846
Oslo Børs Seafood IndexOBSFX2066719
Oslo Børs Seafood Index_NROBSFXNR2066720
Oslo Børs Seafood Index_PROBSFXPR2066721
Oslo Børs Shipping IndexOBSHX2074251
Oslo Børs Shipping Index_NROBSHXNR2074252
Oslo Børs Shipping Index_PROBSHXPR2074253
Oslo Børs Small Cap Index_GIOSESX797
Oslo Børs Small Cap Index_NROSESXNR697
Oslo Børs Small Cap Index_PROSESXPR597
SchibstedA AdevintaA BasketSCHADE2127804

SEPARATOR / DECIMAL MARK:                              

*Only the following tables are updated here:
equityindex_linked (EQUITY>INDICIES LINKED)

Euronext acquired the Oslo Stock Exchange in 2020. Only the tables listed above contain updated Euronext data. For all other data, please refer to the EURONEXT tab.

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